Multiple sclerosis is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system. It causes destruction of myelin (a protein that forms a protective coating around nerve cells) in the central nervous system. When myelin is destroyed signals traveling through the nerve cells are interrupted or delayed, resulting in various neurologic symptoms occurring at different locations throughout the body. The progress, severity, and specific symptoms of multiple sclerosis in any one person cannot yet be redacted, but advances in research and treatment are giving hope to those affected by the disease.

Multiple sclerosis is often characterized by a pattern of exacerbation and remission.
Symptoms may be mild, such as numbness in the limbs, or severe, such as paralysis or loss of vision. Possible symptoms include fatigue, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, spasticity, numbness, slurred speech, visual difficulties, paralysis, muscle cramps, bladder or bowel problems, and sexual dysfunction.
The initial symptoms of MS are most often difficulty walking; abnormal sensations such as numbness or "pins and needles"; and pain and loss of vision due to optic neuritis, an inflammation of the optic nerve. Less common initial symptoms may include tremor; lack of coordination; slurred speech; sudden onset of paralysis, similar to a stroke; and decline in cognitive function.
Multiple Sclerosis and the RPD ACT 2016.
MS has a general definition of disability that each person must meet. To know more about MS please refer to RPD ACT.
Accommodating Students with Multiple Sclerosis
People with multiple sclerosis may develop some of the limitations discussed below, but seldom develop all of them. Also, the degree of limitation will vary among individuals. Be aware that not all people with multiple sclerosis will need accommodations to perform their jobs and many others may only need a few accommodations. The following is only a sample of the possibilities available. Numerous other accommodation solutions may exist.
Questions to Consider:
What limitations is the student experiencing?
How do these limitations affect the student and the student’s job performance?
What specific job tasks are problematic as a result of these limitations?
What accommodations are available to reduce or eliminate these problems? Are all possible resources being used to determine possible accommodations?
Has the student been consulted regarding possible accommodations?
Once accommodations are in place, would it be useful to meet with the student to evaluate the effectiveness of the accommodations and to determine whether additional accommodations are needed?
Do supervisory personnel and students need training?
Accommodation Ideas
By Limitation
By Limitation of: Attentiveness / Concentration
Alerting Devices
Alternative Lighting
Applications (apps)
Apps for Memory
Behaviour Modification Techniques
Cubicle Doors, Shields, and Shades
Electronic Organizers
Environmental Sound Machines / Tinnitus Maskers / White Noise Machines
Flexible Schedule
Full Spectrum or Natural Lighting Products
Job Coaches
Job Restructuring
Marginal Functions
Modified Break Schedule
Noise Cancelling Headsets
Personal On-Site Paging Devices
Professional Organizers
Sound Absorption and Sound Proof Panels
Task Separation
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Timers and Watches
Uninterrupted "Off" Work Time
Verbal Cues
Wall Calendars and Planners
Worksite Redesign / Modified Workspace
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Balancing
Bath Chairs
Grab Bars
Personal Safety and Fall Alert Devices
Rollators and Rolling Walkers
Stair Assists
Stair Lifts
Swing Away Grab Bars
Toileting Aids
Walkers with Seats
Aerial Lifts
Fall Protection
Rolling Safety Ladders
All-Terrain Scooters
All-Terrain Wheelchairs
Personal Transportation and Mobility Products
Rollators and Rolling Walkers
Stair Assists
Stair Lifts
Walkers with Seats
Anti-fatigue Matting
Evacuation Devices
Fall Protection
Padded Edging
Protective Eyewear
By Limitation of: Decreased Stamina / Fatigue
Accessories for Scooters
All-Terrain Scooters
Anti-fatigue Matting
Elevating Wheelchairs
Ergonomic and Pneumatic Tools
Ergonomic Assessments
Ergonomic Equipment
Examination and Procedures Chair
Flexible Schedule
Head Support for Wheelchairs
Job Restructuring
Low Task Chair
Mechanic's Seats and Creepers
Multi-Purpose Carts
Periodic Rest Breaks
Stand-lean Stools
Stools for Cutting Hair
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Wearable Anti-fatigue Matting
Wheelchair Accessible Scales
Wheelchair Mounts
Worksite Redesign / Modified Workspace
By Limitation of: Executive Functioning Deficits
Apps for Concentration
Apps for Memory
Color Coded System
Cubicle Doors, Shields, and Shades
Environmental Sound Machines / Tinnitus Maskers / White Noise Machines
Extra Time
Flexible Schedule
Form Generating Software
Full Spectrum or Natural Lighting Products
Job Coaches
Job Restructuring
Marginal Functions
Memory Software
Modified Break Schedule
Noise Cancelling Earbuds
Noise Cancelling Headsets
On-site Mentoring
Recorded Directives, Messages, Materials
Sound Absorption and Sound Proof Panels
Speech Recognition Software
Sun Boxes and Lights
Sun Simulating Desk Lamps
Timers and Watches
Wall Calendars and Planners
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Low Vision
Enlarged Keyboard Tops and Labels
External Computer Screen Magnification
Screen Magnification and Screen Reading Combined
Screen Magnification Software
Accessible Mobile Phones
Accessible Telephones
Apps for Individuals with Vision Impairment
Large Button Phones
Large Visual Display for Telephone
External Computer Screen Magnification
Head-mounted Magnifiers
Magnification (Hand or Stand)
Portable Video/Electronic Magnifiers
Screen Magnification and Screen Reading Combined
Screen Magnification Software
Screen Magnification and Screen Reading Combined
Talking Alarm Clocks
Talking Bar Code Scanner/Reader
Talking Blood Glucose Monitors
Talking Blood Pressure Monitors
Talking Cash Register
Talking Color Detector
Talking Copier
Talking Money Identifier
Talking Scales
Talking Telephones
Talking Watches
By Limitation of Memory Loss
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Apps for Memory
Electronic Organizers
Job Coaches
Memory Software
Professional Organizers
Recorded Directives, Messages, Materials
Social Skill Builders
Support Person
Verbal Cues
Wall Calendars and Planners
Written Instructions
By Limitation of Organizing / Planning / Prioritizing
Applications (apps)
Apps for Organization/ Time Management
Color-coded Manuals, Outlines, and Maps
Electronic Organizers
Ergonomic Equipment
Job Coaches
Job Restructuring
On-site Mentoring
Organization Software
Personal On-Site Paging Devices
Personal On-Site Paging Devices
Professional Organizers
Supervisory Methods
Task Identification
Task Separation
Timers and Watches
Wall Calendars and Planner
Written Instructions
By Limitation of: Temperature Sensitivity
Air Deflectors
Cold Resistant Gloves
Flexible Schedule
Foot Warmers
Heated Clothing
Heated Ergonomic and Computer Products
Heated Gloves
Modified Break Schedule
Work from Home, Working Remotely
Vent Covers
Sensitivity to Cold
Air Deflectors
Cold Resistant Gloves
Flexible Schedule
Heated Clothing
Heated Ergonomic and Computer Products
Heated Gloves
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Vent Covers
Workstation Space Heaters
Sensitivity to Hot
Air Deflectors
Cooling Clothing
Flexible Schedule
Portable Air Conditioners
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Vent Covers
By limitation of Work-Related Function
Access Information
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Adjustable Desk Top Workstations for Office Settings
Alternative Input Devices
Alternative Keyboards
Alternative Mice - Limiting Tremors
Alternative Mice
Amplified Stethoscopes and Related Products
Assistive Listening Devices (personal)
Assistive Listening Devices and Sound Field System
Audio Descriptive Services
Braille Note takers and Personal Digital Assistants
Braille Printers & Embossers
Breath and Mouth Controlled Alternative Computer Input Devices
Closed Circuit TV (CCTV)
Color Contrast Overlays
Color Identification
Computer Braille Display
Enlarged Keyboard Tops and Labels
External Computer Screen Magnification
Eye Controlled Alternative Computer Input Devices
Head Controlled Alternative Computer Input Devices
LCD Pen Tablet Displays
Line Guides
Locator Dots
Low Vision Enhancement Products
Magnification (Hand or Stand)
On-Screen Keyboards
One-Handed Keyboards
Portable or Handheld Readers
Prism Glasses/Bed Spectacles
Screen Magnification Software
Screen Reading Software and Training
Speech Recognition Software
Talking Coin Counter/Sorter
Talking Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Maps
Talking Money Identifier
Talking Scales
Talking Thermometers
Training Modifications
Accessible Telephones
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Apps for Individuals Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Assistive Listening Devices (personal)
Assistive Listening Devices and Sound Field System
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Device
Behavior Modification Techniques
Bluetooth Products
Bone Conduction Technology
Braille Telephones
Braille TTY
Captioned Telephone Calls
CART Services
CART Services - Remote
Cellular Telephone Technology: Deaf & Hard of Hearing
Communication Access Technologies
Electronic Organizers
Graphics Design Software
Handheld Computers (General)
Hands-free Telephones
Headsets - Computer (USB, VOIP etc.)
Headsets - Hearing Aid Compatible, Amplification
Hearing Carry Over (HCO) TTYs
Job Coaches
Large Visual Display for TTY
Literacy Skills Development
Neck loops
On-site Mentoring
Outgoing Voice Amplification - Telephone
Paging Products & Services
Personal On-Site Paging Devices
Professional Organizers
Real-time and Off-line Captioning Services
Scribe/Note taker
Service Animal
Social Skill Builders
Speech Recognition Software
Talking Telephones
Telecoil Compatible Headsets
Telephone Amplification
Telephone Flasher
Test Tube Holders
TTY Software
TTYs (Text Telephones)
Verbal Responses
Video Relay Services (VRS)
Video Remote Interpreting Services (VRI)
Voice Amplification
Voice-Carry-Over (VCO) Telephones
Word Prediction/Completion and Macro Software
Word Processing Software
Writing/Editing Software
Flexible Schedule
Ride Sharing/Carpooling
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Transportation Assistance
Van Conversion
Manipulate Items
Adjustable Drafting Tables
Adjustable Massage Tables
Aerial Lifts
Anti-vibration Gloves
Anti-vibration Tool Wraps
Automated Filing Systems
Automatic Door Openers
Cake Decorating and Baking Equipment
Compact Mobile Cranes
Deburring Tools
Electric Scissors
Electric Stapler
Electronic Organizers
Ergonomic and Pneumatic Tools
Folding Steps
Graphics Design Software
Grip Aids
Hair Scissors
Height Adjustable Table Legs
Large-Rated Small Step Ladders
Light Switch Extension Handles
Mechanic's Seats and Creepers
Pickups, Semis, and Heavy Equipment
Professional Organizers
Rolling Safety Ladders
Sewing Aids for Individuals with Vision Impairment
Stair Assists
Stools for Cutting Hair
Talking Bar Code Scanner/Reader
Talking Money Identifier
Test Tube Holders
Tool Balancers
Vacuum Lifts
Vacuum Pickup Tools
Wheelchair Trays
Off Site Access
Accessible Vehicles
Accessories for Scooters
All-Terrain Scooters
All-Terrain Wheelchairs
Examination and Procedures Chair
Flexible Schedule
Head Support for Wheelchairs
Low Task Chair
Personal Transportation and Mobility Products
Stair Assists
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Transportation Assistance
Van Conversion
Wheelchair Accessible Scales
Wheelchair Carts/Trailers
Wheelchair Mounts
Operate Equipment / Vehicles
Accessible Software for Webbing
Adjustable Drafting Tables
Adjustable Massage Tables
Anti-vibration Gloves
Anti-vibration Seats
Anti-vibration Tool Wraps
Breath and Mouth Controlled Alternative Computer Input Devices
Convex Mirrors
Deburring Tools
Ergonomic and Pneumatic Tools
Ergonomic Equipment
Gear Shift Adapter/Extension
Hand Controls
Height Adjustable Table Legs
Joystick Driving Systems
Long-Handled Mirrors
Mechanic's Seats and Creepers
Pickups, Semis, and Heavy Equipment
Seat Belts & Seat Belt Extenders
Swivel Seats and Seat Extenders
Talking Cash Register
Talking Coin Counter/Sorter
Talking Credit Card Terminal
Telephone Flasher
Telescoping Cameras
Van Conversion
Vehicle Rear Vision System
Wheelchair Lifts
Accessible Parking Space
Flexible Schedule
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Environmental Sound Machines / Tinnitus Maskers / White Noise Machines
Flexible Schedule
Marginal Functions
Modified Break Schedule
Periodic Rest Breaks
Physical/Social Distancing Signage
Policy Modification
Service Animal
Sleep Alerting Devices
Strobe Lights
Supervisory Methods
Support Animal
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Touchless Faucets
Sensitivity to Cold
Air Deflectors
Cold Resistant Gloves
Flexible Schedule
Foot Warmers
Heated Clothing
Heated Ergonomic and Computer Products
Heated Gloves
Modified Break Schedule
Work from Home, Working Remotely
Vent Covers
Workstation Space Heaters
Sensitivity to Heat
Air Deflectors
Cooling Clothing
Flexible Schedule
Modified Break Schedule
Personal Visors
Work from Home, Working Remotely
Vent Covers
Workstation Space Heaters
Use Cognitive Function
Additional Training Time / Training Refreshers
Color Coded System
Counting/Measuring Aids
Electronic Dictionaries
Electronic Organizers
Extra Time
Fractional, Decimal, Statistical, or Scientific Calculators
Job Coaches
Line Guides
Marginal Functions
Modified Break Schedule
On-site Mentoring
Personal On-Site Paging Devices
Professional Organizers
Service Animal
Social Skill Builders
Support Person
Training Modifications
Uninterrupted Work Time
Work Site Access
Accessible Toilets and Toilet Seats
Accessories for Scooters
Adjustable Workstations for Industrial Settings
Adjustable Workstations for Office Settings
All-Terrain Scooters
Anti-fatigue Matting
Automatic Door Openers
Boat Access
Braille and/or ADA Signage
Door Knob Grips and Handles
Examination and Procedures Chair
Flexible Schedule
Head Support for Wheelchairs
High Visibility Floor Tape and Paint
Low Task Chair
Portable Ramps
Service Animal
Smart Locks/Key less Entry Locks
Stair Assists
Stair Tread/Textured Tape
Support Animal
Telework, Work from Home, Working Remotely
Van Conversion
Wearable Anti-fatigue Matting
Wheelchair Accessible Scales
Wheelchair Carts/Trailers
Wheelchair Lifts
Wheelchair Mounts
Worksite Redesign / Modified Workspace
Work Station Access
Accessories for Scooters
Adjustable and Ergonomic School Desks and Equipment
Adjustable Desk Top Workstations for Office Settings
Adjustable Workstations for Industrial Settings
All-Terrain Scooters
Anti-fatigue Matting
Articulating Keyboard Trays
Assist Lift Cushions
Chair Mats
Chairs for Little People
Chairs for People who are Tall
Dual Monitors
Elevating Lift and Office Chairs
Ergonomic and Adjustable Office Chairs
Ergonomic Equipment
Examination and Procedures Chair
Expanded Keyboards
Forearm Supports
Forward Leaning Chairs
Head Support for Wheelchairs
Large-Rated Chairs
Low Task Chair
Monitor Mirrors
Monitor Risers
Mousing Surfaces
Stair Assists
Stand-lean Stools
Supine Workstations
Van Conversion
Wheelchair Accessible Scales
Wheelchair Carts/Trailers
Wheelchair Mounts
Work Platforms
Zero Gravity (reclining) Chairs
A teacher with multiple sclerosis was having difficulty communicating with students because his speech became soft and slurred when he was fatigued. He was given a personal speech amplifier so he would not have to strain to project his voice, and he was allowed to schedule his classes so he could take periodic breaks.
An engineer with multiple sclerosis was experiencing heat sensitivity. She was provided a private office where the temperature could be lower than in the rest of the facility. She was also encouraged to communicate with co-workers by telephone or e-mail when possible to reduce the amount of walking she had to do.
A student doing MBA was having difficulty reading files due to a vision impairment caused by multiple sclerosis. His college purchased a stand magnifier and added task lighting to his workstation.
A student with multiple sclerosis had fallen multiple times at work, resulting in disruption to the workplace. After the college told the student that the issue needed to be addressed, the student asked the college to add a railing along the wall from her desk to the restroom, break room, and copy machine room.
About Personalities
Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who, at the time of his death, was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge.
Hawking was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), commonly referred to in the U.S. as Lou Gehrig's disease.