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International Resource center on Inclusive Education and CBR (IRIEC)
CBR NETWORK (South Asia) is actively contributing to playing diverse roles. These include curriculum development, education and training of rehabilitation practitioners, community workers and persons with disabilities, the development of appropriate technology, research, strategic planning, design and management of CBR services.
The NEP 2020 aims to “ensure equity and inclusion in and through education by addressing all forms of exclusion, marginalisation, disparity, vulnerability and inequality in education, access, participation, retention, completion, development vocational training and skills and in learning outcomes. Education needs a greater focus on accessibility, equity and quality”. This policy makes an attempt to strengthen the existing education system from early childhood to the higher education. Inclusive education in India is going through a major transition.
The NEP 2020’s key milestone in 2030 is to “ensure inclusive, equitable, quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all by 2030”. In order to achieve the objectives, goals and milestones of NEP 2020 for equitable and inclusive education, there is a need to build teacher support handholding resource centres to share existing knowledge available in the area of inclusive education across the globe.
Access to existing books/technologies, accommodations, handholding support to teachers, parents, learning from experienced people, sharing good practices and inspiring stories in the area of inclusive education is intrinsically important to implementing inclusive education in every school.
The access to resource centre should be available to all types of schools such as government schools, private school, alternate schools and all boards education including open schooling system etc.
Therefore, setting up a hub of resources for schools and parents, arranging dialogue through public lectures, handholding support to teachers in the process of inclusion is critical to ensure education for ALL children, which includes children with disabilities.