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DL0004: CBR Portage handbook on Early Childhood Holistic Development


Updated: Feb 5, 2022


Portage is an early intervention tool for children with disabilities. This tool is used in over 150 countries. Portage was started in U.S.A. as part of the Head start program in 70’s. The major focus Portage is to transfer early stimulation skills to parents. These are important to ensure the children achieve holistic development and also to fill the gap if any. These gaps may arise due to sensory, intellectual, motor impairments or could come because of malnutrition, childhood illnesses.

The unique feature of portage is its accountability and flexibility. Portage can be adopted to suit different cultures. Portage can be used with or without support of technically qualified people. Portage is built on the family and community skills. Portage is also extremely cost effective and one can sustain portage program using local resources.

Portage program helps in the reduction of secondary disabling condition and promotes the optimum use of residual potential of the child. It prepares child for inclusion into preschool. Portage is used to assess both disable and non-disabled child.

Ten steps of Portage:

1.To fill the Family form and Screening form(form A).

2.Functional assessment form (form B - if there is a tick mark in the box in form A).

3.Informal assessment.

4.Formal assessment (To establish Baseline )

5.Individual education plan for the child.

6.Individual Education Programme.

7.Group Education Programme.

8. Behaviour modification skills.

9. To identify medical intervention needs and do the appropriate referral: Preparation of simple Assistive Devices.

10.To understand the principle of the self-help mutual - aid groups of families and apply the skills in the community/neighbourhood.

Author: Indumathi Rao

Year of development of the resource material: 2019

Category: Early childhood Identification ,care ,education and intervention

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