DL0033-Cognitive development CRD based on CBR Portage
DL0032: Gross and fine motor development based on CBR Portage CRD
DL0031: Socialization /emotional development of children based CBR Portage CRD
DL0030: Self help skill development based on CBR Portage
DL0029: Infant stimulation CBR portage checklist(CRD)
DL0028: NDEAR report 2021
DL0044: A Manual for VRW and MRW
DL0043: Disability Inclusion
DL0027: My First 1000 days Journey
DL0042: Access to School and the Learning Environment I- Physical, Information and Communication
DL0041: Growth Chart
DL0040: Barrier Free Planning for Schools and Colleges
DL0039: Toilet training manual
DL0038: Equity Index-Nepal
DL0040A: DDST II(Denver Development Scale Test)
DL0037: A Toolkit for Measuring Early
DL0035: 22 Things Parents of Autistic kids Understand
DL0034: ECCD Language and communication development CRD
DL0036: TALC manual in Kannada-Pre vocational/life skill development
DL0050: Cognitive Sensorial Development- A Guide for Parents during Covid Pandemic